There are still places available for classes next week, why not call us now and reserve a place 0115 9881551?
Tuesday 26th
And Earrings to MatchLearn how to create Origami earrings in paper, stiffened fabric then make unique earrings to match your outfit. No experience necessary, all materials and equipment provided for a small fee!

Thursday 28th October -
Crazy Nine Patch Quilt Top a fast and fun template and measurement free technique!
Wednesday 27th October -
Create your own floribunda using applique flowers and leaves. It could be a picture, a bag or a cushion front.
Wired Christmas Creations (Saturday 23rd Oct) with Kathleen Laurel Sage is now full. Kathleen will be back at the Studio on Saturday 27th November with her Flaunty Flower Necklace workshop!